“Good queen, my lord,
Good queen; I say good queen;
And would by combat make her good, so were I
A man, the worst about you.”

-William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale

During my time in the RADA program: NYU Shakespeare in Performance, our cohort performed A Winter’s Tale, Directed by Gary Lagden. Gary’s direction was life-changing and I’ll forever cherish my time as Paulina.

Photos by Ikin Yum


Leontes: Pierce Elliot, Audrey Kim Chung, Shaakirah Nazim-Harris, Niraj Nair, and Tudor Postalache

Hermione: Paige Bakke and Kathryn Lau

Paulina: Delia Frances, Sophie Massey, and Elizabeth Mandell

Polixenes: Ethan Mckinney

Perdita, Mamillius, and Seer: Mya Rosado Tran

Florizel and Seer: Eric Easter

Antigonus: Theo Gyra

Camillo: Beatrice Onions